Monday, November 8, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
10 weeks old
This is Nora at 10 weeks old. She is becoming more expressive with each passing day letting her thoughts be known. Aaron and I are pretty sure once she is able to actually say words we won't be able to get her to be quiet. Her favorite pasttimes include yelling if we aren't paying enough attention to her and having us move her legs wildly. She loves music and sometimes the only way she will be quiet is if we sing to her.
At Nora's baby shower she got her very own boppy chair. She enjoyed sitting up on the couch like a grown up and surverying the room. She isn't quite big/strong enough to sit up fully but it was still fun to watch her play in her chair.

Monday, October 11, 2010
The swing has been a lifesaver in moments of insanity, it is Nora's favorite place to take a nap during the day. She will swing for a few hours, if I am lucky, so that I am able to catch up on my house work or take a quick nap.
When I was cleaning the other day I found this little stand up mirror for Nora to play with. I have caught her smiling at herself and cooing loudly as she stares at her beautiful face.

Sunday, October 10, 2010
2 months old!
Today marks Nora's 2 month birthday! Each day she is changing. Her favorite things to do lately are sleep til 1pm, coo, and yell (She finally found her voice). Her unofficial weight is 11.5 pounds, but we will find out on Wednesday at her 2 month check up what her actual weight is.
The next picture is Nora on her first walk, she was probably about 2.5 weeks old...

Sunday, September 26, 2010
A little behind...
Well I have gotten behind in posting over the last few weeks, a lot has happened since then.
First we celebrated Nora's 1 month birthday by taking her picture. She looks very excited to have spent one month living in the outside world. This was the first week that she was able to really start fitting into her 0-3 month clothing as she was over 8 lbs.
As time went on Nora found her voice and began to "talk" (read: yell at me) Mainly asking for food and attention.

First we celebrated Nora's 1 month birthday by taking her picture. She looks very excited to have spent one month living in the outside world. This was the first week that she was able to really start fitting into her 0-3 month clothing as she was over 8 lbs.

Nora has also started smiling at Aaron and me as we play with her and pick her up. Her favorite time to play is in the wee hours of the morning when we would love to be sleeping and she is feeling the need to be awake.

Now in present day Nora is almost 7 weeks old! She has lost much of her hair that she was born with but is starting to get lots of new little hairs, we are excited to see what color it comes in. Her little personality is developing more each day as she learns that we are wrapped around her little finger and will pick her up at the first cry. In other news she is over 10 lbs and has started wearing her cloth diapers. We love cloth diapering and feel good about putting her in diapers that are chemical free, as well as keeping a little cash in our wallets.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Omaha Visit
A few weeks ago we loaded up and headed to Omaha for the day to spend some time with several of Aaron's relatives. Along the way Nora got to meet some of her extended family. She was a peach of a child and slept most of the trip and didn't even make a peep on the carride to and from Omaha.
Most of the day was spent with Nora's Great Grandma Petersen. It was love at first sight for GG Petersen, it was as if no one else was in the room, she wanted to love on her the entire time and for good reason...Nora's adorable!
Nora's Great Aunt Bea flew in from Michigan to visit with her mother and to meet our new addition. It was great to see her and I am pretty sure Nora loved all the attention from GA Bea.
Nora's cousin Philip also flew in from Michigan with his mother Bea. As soon as we passed Nora off to Philip she found a comfy place in his arms.

All in all Nora had a wonderful trip visiting family and was perfect in her role as center of attention. Who says you can spoil a child by holding them too much??
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Monday, August 23, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Nora is one week old!
Nora has already changed so much, she no longer has that squishy newborn baby face. She is expressing her personality more each day. She is definitely a cuddler and will wake me up in the middle of the night just to be held.
The day we got home from the hospital Nora was introduced to her cradle, she really is this tiny! Aunt Lynna came to visit and thought she looked even smaller than in this picture. But don't be fooled she has the appetite of a horse and is gaining weight, in no time she will be back to her birth weight!
When Aunt Lynna was here, Nora went on her first walk around the neighborhood. She loves riding in her carseat, but was less than impressed with the bumps in the sidewalk that disturbed her evening nap.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Introducing Nora Emily Peithmann!
Nora Emily Peithmann was born August 10, 2010 at 12:18 pm.
She weighed 6 lbs 13 ounces and was 20.5 inches long.

Just born and being checked by her doctor..
Nora and daddy waiting for mommy in her hospital room.
She weighed 6 lbs 13 ounces and was 20.5 inches long.

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