Thursday, October 21, 2010

10 weeks old

This is Nora at 10 weeks old. She is becoming more expressive with each passing day letting her thoughts be known. Aaron and I are pretty sure once she is able to actually say words we won't be able to get her to be quiet. Her favorite pasttimes include yelling if we aren't paying enough attention to her and having us move her legs wildly. She loves music and sometimes the only way she will be quiet is if we sing to her.

At Nora's baby shower she got her very own boppy chair. She enjoyed sitting up on the couch like a grown up and surverying the room. She isn't quite big/strong enough to sit up fully but it was still fun to watch her play in her chair.
Who do I look like???

Why is Nora sleeping in the middle of an unmade bed you ask? Well last night at 11 she threw up all over my (Kelly) side of the bed, so naturally I wiped up what I could laid a towel down and went to sleep.

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