Monday, January 31, 2011

Recent photos

Nora loves to read, often we have to read books several times or there will be tears at the end of the book. Nora especially loves board books, she likes to put them in her mouth and "taste" what we are reading. Generally if I am reading to Nora she is listening intently and studying the pictures, as well as, holding onto one edge of the book for me.

A few months ago we started giving Nora rice cereal, at first she wasn't too thrilled with the idea of eating off a spoon and didn't enjoy the taste. Now she gets excited whenever she sits in her highchair, she begins to shake and scream in anticipation of what new food she might be trying today....could it be mangos, squash, cherries..oh the possibilities!!

It used to be a struggle to get Nora to lay on her tummy to build up her back muscles. She would scream after about 1 minute. Now she has contests with her sock monkey on who can stay up the longest. Usually Nora loses and she is a whiz at rolling all over the room. Her dad and I don't think it's going to be too long before she starts crawling. I guess we better start babyproofing!

Nora loves TV, if she can't see the TV, computer, phone screen, or camera screen...she will do anything in her power to make it happen as shown above when dad was watching a recent football game.

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